2,5 hours Hatha Workhsop with Asia.
You have a chance to join 2,5 hours long Hatha Yoga class based on a method of Swami Sivananda. It’s a great opportunity to dive a little deeper in to your practice and give your body and mind big stress relief.
Similar to our weekly classes it will be traditional, slow paced but still very powerful class including:
- Breathing exercises (pranayama)
- Yoga poses (asanas)
- Final deep relaxation
- Silent Meditation, without singing (using mantra So-Ham)
Entire class will be focused on asanas that will open and soften your legs and hips, so that we can approach final meditation in comfortable position, with stabile body and steady mind.
Deelnemersbijdrage: voor leden: €20,50, voor niet- leden: €25,90
Zaterdag 24 november van 13.00 tot 15.30 uur
Aanmelden voor 16 november via mail.